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Clinical Documentation Improvement

Medical record documentation is vital to a strong revenue cycle and is crucial to patient care. Regulatory requirements and payer guidelines are focused on the medical record, making accurate clinical documentation more important than ever. Healthcare organizations have been challenged by regulatory changes, Recovery Audit Contractors (RAC), medical necessity requirements and the transition from volume to value, which has impacted their ability to be reimbursed. The increase in denials across the industry bears witness to the fact that a robust Clinical Documentation Improvement (CDI) Program is necessary to a successful revenue cycle.

Clinical Documentation Improvement (CDI) Programs provide value beyond direct revenue. GeBBS offers a well-established CDI program that enables healthcare organizations to improve communication among healthcare providers, portray accurate physician quality profiles reflecting the true severity of their patients, and a culture of collaboration with the HIM Medical Coding team.

Our team of certified CDI experts will partner with your medical coding services team to maximize your reimbursement and receive accurate compensation for the services you provide. Whether you’re seeking an assessment of an existing CDI program or a partner to supplement your current staffing model, we have a solution for you! Offering interim and permanent services, we’re here to help you develop, improve and maintain your clinical documentation.

Clinical Documentation Improvement (CDI) Audit/Assessments

GeBBS offers comprehensive CDI audit solutions that will provide you with a complete overview of your organization’s MS-DRG and APR-DRG metrics, Severity of Illness (SOI) and Risk of Mortality (ROM). We offer a comprehensive reporting package with breakdown of areas of financial opportunity. This detailed data analysis will enable you to evaluate the effectiveness of your CDI program.

At A Glance

  • CDI Audit & Effectiveness Assessment
  • Interim or Permanent CDI Staffing – Short term or long term, project based, or CDI implementations
  • Recruitment of CDIS professionals consists of an extensive and thorough screening process, but also tailored to address any specific need
  • All CDI Professionals are Licensed/Credentialed RN, PA, MD, CCDS, CDIP, CCS or combination thereof
  • 3 tiers of CDI Professionals:
    • CDI Specialist
    • CDI Consultant
    • CDI Manager/Director

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